Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Marymoor Park

For our inaugural blog post, we put on our coats, gassed up the car, printed out a Google map, and drove to Marymoor Park in Redmond, WA. Well, sort of. We drove around in circles for a while because the directions were less intelligible than, say, pulling up a map on one of our iPhones. It's a crap shoot which one would have been better.

Still better than MapQuest.

Through sheer determination (and luck), we finally arrived.

Welcome to "Marymoo" Park. Yes, this is the best photo we have of the sign.

When we arrived, we noticed that you have to pay to park your car. Strike one, Marymoor. Upon further inspection, the parking charge was only $1 and it appears to be seasonal (the seasons when you have to pay to park are Spring, Fall, Winter, and Summer). After parking in a dirt lot, we were taken aback by the fact that there were no entrance and exit gates. Instead, there was just a wide open gap in the rickety wooden fence that surrounds the park. Were we to believe that Marymoor is such a magical place that dogs instinctively do not leave the fenced-in area? Apparently we were.

Scout, Molly, and Chewman Capote will not leave the fenced-in area.

Let's get this out of the way right off the bat: Marymoor is huge. It's a massive park. We're not going to look up how big it is, but trust and believe that it is like 100 miles wide or something. Look at all this space!

This is about 1/576th of the total space at Marymoor. Also about 1/3 of Katie's shoulder.

Going to Marymoor is like visiting the place that your parents told you your dog went when, in fact, your dog was dead. It's just a giant dog farm. The people all seemed pretty friendly, too. We didn't notice a lot of poop on the ground, so this must be where all of the responsible dog owners in the Seattle area go. You know one thing Marymoor could use more of? Trash cans. Our dogs popped squats within about 9 feet of the entrance to the off-leash area and we ended up holding bags of feces for 10 minutes. Strike two, Marymoor.

Scout ignores a possible suitor while Molly and Chewseph Gordon-Levitt turn heads in the background.

It was a cool, foggy day when we visited Marymoor, but that did not stop Chew Chew Train from jumping in the water, presumably to ditch us so he would not have to hear any more horrible nicknames.

Fun Fact: Fu Man Chew will not get back into the car to go home unless he's 85% more filthy than he was when he arrived at the dog park.

When we left, we attempted to stop at the on-site coffee stand for coffee and breakfast but found that the only food they had was cookies. Since cookies are not breakfast, we drove into nearby Redmond and enjoyed the town very much. We would like to go back sometime to drink alcohol and eat food, but we probably won't. Regardless, Marymoor is a large, beautiful, well-kept park and our dogs enjoyed it very much. We give this one our highest review ever: Good.

We give Marymoor two thumbs and a crippled finger up.