Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dr. Jose Rizal Park

Here we are again. Yes, this does mean we’re posting twice in one month. Our New Year Resolution was to do something quality with our lives, so naturally we’re procrastinating by working on our blog

Welcome to Dr. Jose Rizal Park. No camping.

This time around, we stuck close to home (well, Katie’s home) and went to Dr. Jose Rizal Park. Sandwiched between I-90 and I-5, this park is hands down the most easily accessible of all the parks we’ve visited and we only had to use Apple maps once before giving up and using Google to find it. 

"Look, Ma! I can see every freeway from here!"

One of our favorite features of West Crest was that there were wooded areas for the pups to run in. Jose Rizal also features wooded areas, sans the threat of murder (which is ironic, considering the fate of the actual Jose Rizal). The downside (because isn’t there always a downside?) is that there are signs warning to watch for Poison Oak. Naturally, we let other park patrons' dogs run into the trees as canaries before setting our dogs free.

Molly and Para-Chewt getting the hell out of Dodge after locating the Poison Oak.

While the park is large (4.1 acres), there’s only one short main path for walking. Since there’s not a lot of walking area, the dogs have to be really encouraged to run around. We’d recommend bringing toys for your dog to play with. Chewy would recommend stealing toys from other dogs.

 Speaking of stealing, it's quite clear that bench thieves frequent this park.

Overall, the best part of the park is the view. No other park we’ve visited can beat these views of the Seattle skyline.
The second best part of this park is all of the exercise you'll get walking up and down the stairs to access the off-leash area.

As is tradition, we left the park with the intention of taking a professional-quality group photo and give our official rating. However, as we made our way to the car, a hatchback pulled over and an incredibly thin woman with wild eyes jumped out and ran towards us. She began screaming to Mike “Did you adopt that dog?? DID YOU? TELL ME!!” (parts of this story may have been slightly dramatized).” Long story short, the woman was the owner of Molly’s sister and had been at the shelter the same day as Mike when he adopted Molly. True story. We were so amazed by what happened that we forgot to take the group photo and, instead, opted to grab lunch at 5 Guys Burgers & Fries.

5 Guys Burgers & Fries does not endorse this blog. Probably. We never asked.

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